This is a time where there are no cities, when a sharpened stone is the greatest tool you could hope to have – except for the Gifts, abilities which can multiply your strength tenfold, let you speak with the voiceless, or wear your own shadow like a cloak. In this world is a young woman looking to find herself and understand the Gifts she possesses. Raised by the master Gifted called Sound-of-Thunder, her name is Fire-in-the-Night.
What would you do if you had the power to change the world? Izzy Hartley is a young genius who's single-handedly bringing about the future, one invention at a time, from microwave ovens to flying machines. But what happens when you need to change the world back? When her latest and greatest invention foretells a dismal fate for the planet, it's all up to Izzy and her no-nonsense assistant Joanna to do their best to save the world – and each other.