My good friends at Lee’s Lists have a Kickstarter going: 100 Deluxe Dungeons, a book full of a hundred of the most interesting and unique adventure sites for use in your favourite tabletop games of fantasy or fantasy-equivalent.
It’s that day of the year again, so I’m looking back on what’s been going on in my life while I eat some cake. A lot of what I had hoped for this time last year fell short, due to personal troubles. Instead of being able to focus on writing, I had to spend that time worrying intensely about a close family member, their deteriorating health, and eventually having to say goodbye to them for the last time.
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When I was young, hanging out in the library during a rainy lunch break, or curled up at home during a lazy weekend, I always found it easier to follow authors than any particular series. I dove into The Carpet People as eagerly as I went at Only You Can Save Mankind. I considered all the films featuring the talents of Ray Harryhausen to be part of this collective silver screen mythology. These creators inspired me with their works, not to daydream about being an adventurer or cosmic explorer, but to write about such heroes.
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The classic ideal of British science fiction, Doctor Who, has been around since the 1960s. It became such a fundamental part of pop culture that when it was revived in 2005 after a lengthy absence, it wasn’t considered niche anymore. It was full-on Saturday night entertainment for all the family.
Which is why it’s so disappointing that the current show is a crude, poorly-written mess that’s so slathered full of misogynistic hate that I am legitimately surprised anyone even agrees to act in it.
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The latest edition of Dungeons & Dragons was released to a vague fanfare earlier this week, and honestly it’s a baffling piece of work. This is not the point where I explain that I cut my teeth on D&D at an early age, in fact I was fairly late to the whole “roleplaying” thing, which is quite odd for a dyed-in-the-wool nerd like myself.
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A lot of people get their first introduction into literary theory with Joseph Campbell’s The Hero with a Thousand Faces, and a not-insignificant portion of those people sort of stop right there. Usually after having skimmed the blurb on the back cover and decided that they’ve learned enough. Because while the book itself is a series of insights into the interconnected nature of old stories, myths and folktales that share symbology and rhythms, what these certain people take away is that every story is the same. Which is an absolute lie.
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It might not come as a surprise, but I really love cooking. It’s creative, kinda messy, and you can eat the results. My favourite sort of food is the kind of big, heavy meal that sticks to your ribs and leaves you feeling warm and toasty. Usually involving something getting fried or grilled. I’m not one to go off recipes, I like to practice through trial and error. I experiment a lot, throwing in new ingredients here and there.
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If you treat writing like any other job, you’ll do maybe one good hour of work every day, and goof off the rest of the time. This partially comes from my own experience, so trust me when I say it is both difficult and unwise to think of writing as “just another job”.
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Let me begin by saying I was a big fan of the Guardians of the Galaxy comic book. The Annihilation storyline brought me into “cosmic Marvel” in a big way, and I was hooked on space heroes for a long time afterwards. That there was going to be a Guardians of the Galaxy movie was something I never expected to hear, and I have to admit, I was pretty psyched.
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The other day I got the chance to try out Hobbit Tales from Cubicle 7, a card-based game that isn’t really card-based at all. Sure, it uses cards, but the real meat of the game comes from the players. The cards you get are story elements, settings and twists in the tale, and you have to take the hand you are dealt and come up with a story that fits as much as it entertains.
You might be starting to see why this game appealed to me.